
Got Laughter? A Twice a Bride Devotional

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. Proverbs 17:22 KJV “Hattie covered her mouth, but the giggle escaped anyway. Boney Hughes lay under her kitchen sink, his upper body concealed by the cupboard. His legs sprawled over her linoleum flooring. Boney scooted out from under the sink and peered up at her. …


Sinclair Sisters of Cripple Creek RECIPES

I read fiction for a variety of reasons: compelling characters, fascinating settings, appealing hypotheses, historical information, a sense of community, spiritual nourishment, encouragement, distraction, insight, entertainment. Oh, yes, and the food. My favorite stories often feature teatime or mealtime conversations. It’s no wonder then that my Sinclair Sisters of Cripple Creek novels include dialogue centered around a supper table or a tray of goodies in a …

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Guest: Mark D. Ford, Artist for Two Brides Too Many Book Cover

How much does a book cover factor into your reading choice? It’s the first draw, right? (Forgive the artsy pun.) Today’s guest isn’t an author. But as the Senior Art Director at WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group, Mark D. Ford is a key member of my publishing team. MONA: Mark, thanks so much for joining us on Hindsight today. We’d like to …

Harpers Bazar

Kat Sinclair Interviews Miss Hattie of Sinclair Sisters of Cripple Creek Fame

Harper’s Bazar                                                         New York Vol. XIXI,  Saturday, May 07, 1898 Women of the West Mrs. Kat Sinclair Cutshaw, Female Western Correspondent I count it a privilege to share the stories of fascinating women of the west with you each month. This month, I have chosen Mrs. Adams as my subject. My sisters and I, and most young women in Cripple Creek, know …


Which Sinclair Sister Are You Most Like?

In celebration of the completion of my debut series: The Sinclair Sisters of Cripple Creek, I thought it’d be fun to hear which Sinclair Sister you identify with the most. So I created a poll. Two Brides Too Many features Kat and Nell Sinclair. Ida Sinclair stars in Too Rich for a Bride. The Bride Wore Blue shares Vivian Sinclair’s story. And …


Heroes: What We Look For in Leading Men

In novels, a hero is the central male character in a fictional tale. A leading man with admirable qualities. Although the hero’s positive traits may not be obvious in the introduction, he possesses characteristics that typically will serve him and the heroine (since I write love stories). That’s not to say those strengths won’t come into play as weaknesses or obstacles at some …

Bob’s Corner Glen Eyrie Bob

Bob’s Corner: Headframes and Cable Hoist

The pursuit of riches drew tens of thousands of colorful characters to Cripple Creek in the 1890s. The boom town provided me a canvas on which to draw my stories in The Sinclair Sisters of Cripple Creek Series. Good news! My hubby Bob agreed to flesh out the workings of a gold mining camp in that era for us. Headframes and Cable Hoists …

Glen Eyrie Bob

What About Bob?

When the idea of writing for publication first flitted through my mind, my hubby Bob began encouraging me. “Well, you do like to write letters and you’re good at it,” he said. When I approached Bob about my desire to attend a writers’ conference, he began a long haul of personal sacrifice and made a way for me to attend the …