Amy Campbell Butterflies Quilt Banner

Quilters and Quilts, Week 6 – Amy Campbell

Quilting is a form of storytelling. I love that about quilters and quilts. Storytelling in the design, but also in the process of quilting. And I’m excited to introduce you to my reader-friend, Amy Campbell, and share her story in this sixth week of the Quilters and Quilts Series. MONA: Who inspired your love of quilts and quilting? AMY: I love quilts …


Got Laughter? A Twice a Bride Devotional

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. Proverbs 17:22 KJV “Hattie covered her mouth, but the giggle escaped anyway. Boney Hughes lay under her kitchen sink, his upper body concealed by the cupboard. His legs sprawled over her linoleum flooring. Boney scooted out from under the sink and peered up at her. …


Wanted: Mail-Order Bride Stories

I had great fun living the life of a mail-order bride. Vicariously, that is, through the harrowing, humorous, and heart-warming experiences of Kat Sinclair and her sister Nell. Two sisters, two missing misters, and a shocking welcome to the Wild West. What pulls you and I toward such an outrageous scenario as a woman leaving what she knows to step …