School Slate Banner

One-Room Schoolhouses, A Clean Slate, A New Year!

2013 has faded into the sunset and most of the year 2014 still stretches out before us, a clean slate. I write historical fiction set in the 1800s, a time when one-room schoolhouses were common. Students of varying ages and stages of education would use a school slate, a piece of quarry slate framed with wood, and a slate pencil …

Candle Lantern

Christmas Light: A Quilted Heart Devotional

In Dandelions on the Wind, Maren Jensen has immigrated to America, her heart full of plans to send for her family and give them a better life. When her failing eyesight narrows her own prospects for a new life, darkness begins to swallow her hope, along with her vision. As Maren lifts a glowing match to the wick of an …


Got Laughter? A Twice a Bride Devotional

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. Proverbs 17:22 KJV “Hattie covered her mouth, but the giggle escaped anyway. Boney Hughes lay under her kitchen sink, his upper body concealed by the cupboard. His legs sprawled over her linoleum flooring. Boney scooted out from under the sink and peered up at her. …

Harpers Bazar

Kat Sinclair Interviews Miss Hattie of Sinclair Sisters of Cripple Creek Fame

Harper’s Bazar                                                         New York Vol. XIXI,  Saturday, May 07, 1898 Women of the West Mrs. Kat Sinclair Cutshaw, Female Western Correspondent I count it a privilege to share the stories of fascinating women of the west with you each month. This month, I have chosen Mrs. Adams as my subject. My sisters and I, and most young women in Cripple Creek, know …

TBWB Pinwords

Peace: Attainable or Illusive?

At one time or another, we’ve all been convinced that we’re the only one who can’t get it right. We have a kindred spirit in Vivian Sinclair. “Vivian was nearly to the corner when she heard footsteps slapping the muddy road behind her. Her back and arms ached under the weight of her skirts as she forced a faster pace from her tired legs. …