Bob’s Corner: No E-Reader, No Problem

Bob looking dapper for a book signing at Glen Eyrie in Colorado Springs.

Bob Hodgson, resident techie, chief cook, and dapper driver for book signings.

Howdy from Bob’s corner!

TODAY is Release Day for Dandelions on the Wind, the first novella in Mona’s new series, The Quilted Heart. The three mid-1860s stories are available this spring exlusively in e-Book format, but you don’t need a fancy schmancy handheld e-Reader to read Dandelions on the Wind.

Since you’re reading this post, I’m guessing you already have a computer, iPod/iPad/iPhone, Android tablet, or smart phone. That means you have the ability to install a free app that will allow you to enjoy the new series (and all of Mona’s historical fiction) on your device.

The app that seems the universal choice is the Kindle app, available from the website. All compatible platforms are listed on the site, including those with a fruit logo, but keep reading for an important caveat.

If you have a PC or Android, you can purchase the books in Amazon/Kindle, then read it on any device with the Kindle app installed.

If you own a Mac and iPhone, iPad, or iPod, you can and should install the iBook app from Apple. Keep in mind that if you use an Apple product, they do not allow what are referred to as in-app purchases. So, with a Kindle app, you can read the book, but you will have to purchase it on some other device. You would be ahead to keep it all in-house.

E-Books are not transferable between different brands of e-Readers. My advice is to go with the strongest brand for you, so you don’t have to re-purchase your books if you change readers.  Kindle and iBooks both allow you to read your books on any of your compatible devices. Start on your desktop, and continue on your handheld.

There are other readers available. If you plan on purchasing one of them, you would want to go to their website and see about downloadable readers for your current device. Then, when you buy that reader in the future, you will be able to transfer the books to your device.

I hope I have not confused the matter in my “simple” explanation. If you have any further questions, go to the website of your device or operating system. They get paid to make it complicated.

CLICK HERE to read and excerpt from Dandelions on the Wind and to order from your favorite eBookseller.

Good reading!

The bob

The Quilted Heart Novellas

The Quilted Heart Novellas

Comments 5

  1. This was quite helpful. I’ve been toying with the idea of an e-reader. I did look into the kindle download from Amazon and our security program said it could be a problem. I’ll be waiting until I win or purchase one. Thank you for taking the time to post this. Wishing you the best.

    1. Hi Sue! So sorry for the hassle you’re having trying to download Dandelions on the Wind. I do appreciate the effort. I’ve been in touch with the eReader guru at WaterBrook. She’s looking into the issue and hopes to have an answer and good news for us tomorrow. Blessings, Mona

  2. Pingback: New Quilted Heart Series, Giveaway, and More | Hindsight by Mona Hodgson

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